Hello World!
My name is Aayman Abdellatif. I was born in the Big Apple, New York City. After enduring the busy sounds of rush hour for 18 years, I decided to move away for my college years and enrolled at the University of Rochester in upstate New York. I graduated from The Baccalaureate School For Global Education and am currently a sophomore Electrical/Computer Engineering student at the U of R.
My greatest passion is what I like to call Digital Literacy – the dream of making technology more accessible to those who are physically, mentally, socially, and financially disadvantaged. Coming from a low-income background, I was raised by immigrants with the ideology of the “American Dream” imprinted into my mind. However, even this universal concept is subject to privilege. However, as I became more exposed to computers, I began to realize the extent of which technology can redefine how we live our lives. Perhaps this can also be applied to all struggles of life, not just those exclusive to a world of bits and code. I want to dedicate my life to the pursuit of this dream.
Right now, my greatest interests lie in the design of Accessible Technology. I’ve worked with people with disabilities at MOUSE Design League, a non-profit which explores the extent of technology in bridging the gap in accessibility. I spend most of my free time trying to learn from other people’s designs and iterations, usually through organizations like MOUSE, for inspiration and knowledge growth.